Rare Plant Auctions: A Guide for the Aspiring Green Investor

The Allure of Rare Plant Auctions The world of rare plants is fascinating, not only for the botanically inclined but also for investors looking for unique opportunities. Rare plant auctions have emerged as a vibrant marketplace where collectors and enthusiasts converge to bid on some of the world’s most unusual flora. From exotic Philodendrons to…

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How to Buy Large Rare Plants and Make a Profit

If you’re looking for tips on how to make money from investing in rare plants, then this blog post is for you. Many people don’t realize that there’s a lot of money to be made if they buy large, rare plants and then sell the smaller clippings. In this post, we’ll walk you through the…

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How to Find Rare Plants on Etsy

If you’re a rare plant enthusiast, then you know that the best place to find rare and unusual plants is on Etsy. With millions of sellers and millions of products, there’s no shortage of plants to choose from on Etsy. But with so many options, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. That’s…

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How to Make Money From Your Rare Plant Collection

So you’ve been collecting rare plants for a while now and you’re thinking, “How can I turn this into a money-making venture?”. There are a few options available to rare plant collectors who want to earn some extra cash. In this blog post, we’ll discuss three of the most popular methods for monetizing your rare…

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Why Investing in Rare Houseplants is a Good Idea

invest in rare houseplants decor

For the last few years, there has been a surge in popularity for houseplants. People are becoming more and more interested in adding plants to their homes for both aesthetic and health reasons. While there are many common houseplants that are readily available, rarer plants are starting to become more popular as well. Here are…

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Our Favorite Monstera Varieties

Let’s take a look at some of the members of the monstera family. Move over fiddle leaf fig, there’s a new rare houseplant in town and it’s called Monstera. This trendy indoor specimen has taken the interior design world by storm in recent years due to its dramatic leaves and easy-care requirements. But with so…

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Your First Rare House Plant: Philodendron Gloriosum

first rare houseplant gloriosum

The Philodendron Gloriosum: The Best Rare Houseplant of 2022 If you’re like most people, you probably think of houseplants as either common ivy or that tree from The Lorax. But what if we told you there was a whole other world of rare and unusual plants out there just waiting to be discovered? From the…

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